If you would like Poinsettias for Christmas, Sunday December 8 is the last day to place your order. Order sheets are available in the Narthex. These can be in memory or honor of loved ones.  The cost is $14.00 for each plant.

Adopt a Family For Christmas

Again, we have adopted a family for Christmas. If you would like to contribute please provide your offering by December 8. Thank you for supporting this ministry.

Noisy Bucket

Money Raised each month for the "Noisy Bucket" in 2025 is as follows
January   -  Samaritan's Purse 
February   -Samaritan's Purse
March      -  Samaritan's Purse
April         -  Habitat for Humanity 
May         -   CVAN
June        -  Community Free Clinic
July         -  Coltrane Life Center
August     -  Forest Park Elementary School
September   -         Opportunity House 
October       -          Salvation Army 
Nivember     -         Adopt a Family
December     -         Hospice 

Narcotics Anonymous Image

Narcotics Anonymous

Meets Tuesdays and Fridays at 7:30 p.m.

Good Timers Image

Good Timers

New Hope's Good Timers meet 2nd Tuesday at 11:30 a.m. in the Family Life Center. A covered dish meal is shared, followed by a program.